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Mr. Zhang

Contact Number:

852-8303 0778

Talent Team

Excellent Talent Team

Innovation is our lifeline. Once we stop innovating, we will soon face decline and failure. We not only need to pursue innovation in production technology, but also emphasize it in planning, marketing, management, and other aspects. Naturally, actively establishing and accumulating the company's intelligence, assets, and experience is also essential.

Mature Technology and Management Team

We need to create a communication-friendly environment to establish an open management mode. Openness means that colleagues treat each other with integrity, frankness, and cooperation. Colleagues are willing to accept opinions and improve themselves. Colleagues will also accept various opinions through brainstorming methods. After making a decision, they will unite and concentrate their efforts on achieving common goals, without distinguishing between you and me.

Contact Us


Mr. Zhang

Contact Number:

852-8303 0778